Dressing Up Victoria Mega Pak

Dressing Up Victoria Mega Pak
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I have put together some of my all time favorite products in this package to celebrate the Andoria City release.

So its called 'Dressing Up Victoria Mega Pak'The idea being that you can dress up your V4 and A4 characters and render them in the many places that Andoria City has to offer. However these clothes can be used anywhere as there is so much variety in this pak.

Included in this pak are:
1. J-Lol Shoes I personally like these shoes a lot because they capture the funky porcelain doll like vibe and detail of Japanese street fashion.

2. Savannah Hair which has a certain elegance and class in the way its style falls.

3. Immortal-Dream Hair this is definitely one of my favorite hairs ever, it's quite a unique design and was the forerunner of many of my other hairs.

4. Caribbean Princess Clothes Pak I was very happy with these clothes for V4 and A4 and the boots are my all time favorite... and took the longest to build.

5. Caribbean-Queen Clothes Pak the more elegant version of the Caribbean series. This pack includes a cloth simulating skirt that works instantly by MATMOR files in early versions of DAZ Studio and Poser without having to use the cloth simulator.

Compatible 3D Figures
Victoria 4, Aiko 4, Victoria 3, Aiko 3, Stephanie 3
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • This Bundle Includes:
    • J Lol Shoes
    • Savannah-Hair
    • Immortal Dream Hair
    • Caribbean Princess ClothesPak
    • Caribbean Queen Clothes V4 & A4

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: October 24, 2013

Compatible figures: 
3D Models for Daz Studio and Poser