Essential Lights Iray

Essential Lights Iray

Essential Lights for Iray with Utilities.

This light set was created with high quality HDRI environments and a softbox to create soft light that is ideal for portraits. In addition, there are 10 light sets that have been created to compliment the HDRI environment.

HDRi environments are perfect to light scenes and you don't need additional lights.

What is included in this light set?
- 10 High Quality HDRi environments that measure 8096 x 4096 pixels.
- 10 Light sets with a Rim light and Back light included.
- 5 White Balance settings. Please reset the White Balance to default after each preset.
- See the full list below for all the Utilities settings included:
!Dome OFF.duf
!Dome OFF.png
!Dome ON.duf
!Dome ON.png
Bloom Filter_01.duf
Bloom Filter_01.png
Bloom Filter_02.duf
Bloom Filter_02.png
Bloom Filter_03.duf
Bloom Filter_03.png
Bloom Filter_04.duf
Bloom Filter_04.png
Environment Intensity 100.duf
Environment Intensity 100.png
Environment Intensity 200.duf
Environment Intensity 200.png
Environment Intensity 300.duf
Environment Intensity 300.png
Environment Intensity Default.duf
Environment Intensity Default.png
Environment Lighting Blur OFF.duf
Environment Lighting Blur OFF.png
Environment Lighting Blur ON.duf
Environment Lighting Blur ON.png
Ground Shadows OFF.duf
Ground Shadows OFF.png
Ground Shadows ON.duf
Ground Shadows ON.png
Iray Bloom Filter OFF.duf
Iray Bloom Filter OFF.png
Vignetting 15%.duf
Vignetting 15%.png
Vignetting 25%.duf
Vignetting 25%.png
Vignetting 50%.duf
Vignetting 50%.png
Vignetting OFF.duf
Vignetting OFF.png

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© 2020 by Nelmi

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

3D Models for Poser and Daz Studio