SBRM Threatened, Endangered, Extinct

SBRM Threatened, Endangered, Extinct

"Threatened, Endangered, Extinct" is a collection of bird characters that provide high-quality digital birds, and are also intended to raise awareness for these and other species plights and in doing so, help to turn the tables on possible extinctions. Compatible with Poser 11.2+ and DAZ Studio 4.12+.

This product was completely updated in December 2020 to include a new file structure with native versions for both Daz Studio and Poser. Six new birds have been added. Each bird is presented as a ready to render character with 3DL and Iray presets for DAZ Studio, and Firefly and Superfly presets for Poser. Props previously included in the old version(s) have been retired.

'Threatened, Endangered, Extinct' is a collection of bird characters for use with the Songbird ReMix packages. It includes the legendary Passenger Pigeon, once the most populous bird on the planet, 5 billion strong. It was said that the day would turn to night when the pigeon flocks flew making a dense cloud 2 to miles wide and 60 miles long. And within 50 years it went extinct due to hunting. Also include are other birds on the brink ranging from sparrows and warblers to flycatchers and martins.

This particular package has a two-fold purpose: one, to provide high-quality digital birds for the purpose of animation and still imagery and two: to raise awareness for these and other species plights and in doing so, help to turn the tables on possible extinctions. In using these digital birds it is the author's hope that the users will also help to create public awareness through their art.

There are two versions of this set for native support in Poser and DAZ Studio. Materials have been tuned to support Iray, 3Delight, Superfly and Firefly renderers.

What's Included & Features:

  • Models (.obj, .cr2, .duf)
    • Songbird ReMix4 Songbird Base
    • Songbird ReMix4 Parrot Base
    • Songbird ReMix4 Gamebird Base
      • All 3 of these Bases are blank, untextured models
      • Primarily for users who wish to experiment with poses or customize their own species of bird
  • Bird Species(.cr2, .duf)
    • Extinct
      • Carolina Parakeet
      • Passenger Pigeon
      • Bachman's Warbler (m/f)
      • Texas Henslow's Sparrow
    • Endangered
      • 'Akiopola'au (m/f)
      • Palila (m/f)
      • Least Bell's Vireo
      • Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
    • Threatened
      • California Coastal Gnatcatcher (Breeding/Nonbreeding)
      • San Clemente Island Sage Sparrow (aka Bell's Sparrow)
    • Vulnerable
      • Purple Martin(m/f)
      • Golden-winged Warbler (m/f)
      • Loggerhead Shrike
  • Poses (.pz2, duf)
    • Default Reset Pose
    • Flight
    • Perch Forward
    • Perch Upright
    • Swallow Flight
    • Flycatcher Classic
    • Flycatcher Flight
    • Vireo Classic
    • Pigeon Walk
    • Pigeon Flight1
    • Parrot Perch
    • Parrot Flight1
  • Manuals (.pdf)
    • Field Guide and Manual
      • Information and tips on use of product
      • Detailed information about behavior, nesting and range
    • "Upgrading Songbird ReMix", for those who had previous versions of the product
Compatible Software DAZ Studio 4.12+, Poser 11.2+
Release Date Dec 18, 2020
3D Models for Poser and Daz Studio