Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 0Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 1Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 2Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 3Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 4Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 5Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female(s) preview image 6
Young Lady Dress for Genesis 2 Female.
What's Included and Features
- Young Lady Dress (.DUF and .CR2)
- BreastsSize
- Olympia
- GiaBody
- GiaBodySmooth
- Girl6
- Androgynous
- BodybuilderDetails
- BodybuilderSize
- BodySize
- BodyTone
- Emaciated
- FitnessDetails
- FitnessSize
- Heavy
- Height
- PearFigure
- TeenJosie
- Thicken
- Thin
- Victoria6Body
- Voluptuous
- AreolaeDepth
- AreolaeDiameter
- AreolaePerk
- Flare
- BreastsCleavage
- BreastsDiameter
- BreastsDownwardSlope
- BreastsGone
- BreastsHeavy
- BreastsImplantsL
- BreastsImplantsR
- BreastsNaturalL
- BreastsNaturalR
- BreastsPerkSide
- BreastsShape01
- BreastsShape02
- BreastsShape03
- BreastsShape04
- BreastsShape05
- BreastsShape06
- BreastsShape07
- BreastsShape08
- BreastsSize
- BreastsSmall
- BreastsUnderCurve
- BreastsUpwardSlope
- CollarboneDetail
- CostalAngleArched
- CostalAnglePointed
- GluteCreaseL
- GluteCreaseR
- GlutesLowerDepth
- GlutesSize
- GlutesUpperDepth
- GlutesWidth
- HipBoneCrest
- HipBoneSize
- HipSize
- IliacLine
- LatsSize
- LegsLength
- LineaAlbaDepth
- LoveHandles
- NavelDepth
- NavelHollow
- NavelHorizontal
- NavelOut
- NeckSize
- Nipples
- NipplesDepth
- NipplesDiameter
- NipplesLarge
- NipplesSize
- Pregnant
- RectusOuterDetail
- RectusWidth
- RibcageSize
- SacralDimples
- ScapulaDepth
- ScapulaSize
- ShinsSize
- ShouldersSize
- SlideBack
- SlideFront
- SternumDepth
- SternumHeight
- SternumWidth
- StomachDepth
- StomachLowerDepth
- StomachSoften
- ThighsSize
- ThighsTone
- TrapsSize
- UpperArmsSize
- WaistWidth
- ScaleHip
- ThighsSize
- GlutesSize
- HipBoneSize
- HipSize
- Material Options:
- Black
- Blue
- FlowerBlack
- FlowerBlue
- FlowerBlueC
- FlowerCyan
- FlowerOrange
- FlowerPink
- FlowerYellow
- FlowerYellow2
- Gray
- Green
- Red
- White
- Yellow
- Textures Include:
- 16 Texture and Bump Maps (3000 x 3000)
- DAZ Studio Material Presets (.DUF)
- Poser Custom Material Presets (.MC6)
- This product includes:
- 1 DSON Core Installer
- 1 Poser Companion Files Installer
- 1 DSON Core Installer
Compatible Figures:
Genesis 2 Female
Compatible Software:
DSON Importer for Poser, DAZ Studio 4.7
Compatible figures:
Where to buy: