Keeper of Beasts (V4)

Keeper of Beasts (V4)
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Hidden within the deepest canyons, buried amidst the highest and most treacherous mountain ranges are the legendary Fanged Caves of The Keepers of Beasts. These Keepers are the champions of the beasts; the creepy crawly, the snaggle toothed, the hideously stinky and all that lie in-between. They are twins. Always fraternal twins; a male and a female. They were born to work together and to know, before it even happens, how the other will react to a situation. They were not born to slay the beast, but rather to protect them.
“And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.”
Maurice Sendak - Where the Wild Things Are

The Keeper of Beasts (V4) package is comprised of textures which take even the smallest detail into consideration, and go above and beyond to give you a package that will completely change the way that you look at the DragonGear.

Deep woodland colors blend with rich leathers, linen, fur and erroded metals.

Brocade fabrics with silver studs and embroidery, dragon motifs, hammered silver and elaborate lattice work.

Quilted leathers in red and gold, hammered bronze, elaborate brocades and ruby studs.

Keeper of Beasts (V4) is comprised of three expertly detailed high resolution sets of textures for Arki's DragonGear outfit. These exquisite textures will round out any of your Dragon Riding renders and take your characters into a whole new realm of fantasty adventure. Rich colors, fur trims, worn leathers, stitching, lacing and beaten metals are all present and offer a whole new take on the DragonGear.

The Dropodon version of this outfit offers up rich brocade chenille in woodland burgundy and gold, gold grommets with burgundy lacing, linen pants and top with knee and inner-thigh patches, worn leathers and erroded metal mesh accessories.

The Zebrat version of Keeper of Beasts gives you vinbrant blue brocades, silver studs and embroidery, warm brown and cream linens, dragon motifs, hammered silver and elaborate silver mesh accessories.

The giant spider version makes a true show with intricate red and gold brocade, padded leathers, ruby studs, hammered bronze and punched bronze mesh accessories.

Product requirements

Dragon Rider V4

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: July 7, 2014

Compatible figures: 
3D Models for Poser