dForce Dress Out of Space

dForce Dress Out of Space
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dForce Dress Out of Space for genesis 9 and genesis 8 female. Ultrashort dress, if you bend over, show them your ass, naughty!

This product include:

- The Dress
- 2 Long gloves (left/right)
- 2 Short gloves (left/right)
- 2 Sleeves (left/right)
- 2 Leg bands (left/right)
- 1 Hairband
- 1 Neckband

- Three different materials, metal, camo and cherry in different colors for all dress items
- 1 Plastic material for the accesories
-1 Metal material for some accesory parts

Polygon information (all items):

Vertices: 15414
Triangles: 29288
Faces: 14644

Installation instructions:

Unzip into your Daz Studio Content directory; make sure "use folder names" option is checked.
Overwrite existing, if required.

Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: June 10, 2023

3D Models