Abrion Lancer Heavy Armor Outfit

Abrion Lancer Heavy Armor Outfit
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Abrion Lancer Heavy Armor Outfit for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female.

Complete Heavy Armored sci-fi Outfit with Iray Materials:

Important Note: The knee protectors slide down in the global y axis (green) when the knee is bent.
To correct this, the knee protectors must be moved back manually in the local z axis (blue).
This works best with the unversal tool (alt shift u).
Optionally, the protectors can be rotated in the local x axis (red) if desired.
This is a suggestion. Please feel free to move and rotate the knee protectors as it looks best for you.


Armor All
Arms Armor
Elbow Protector Left/Right
Helmet with Crest
Knee Protector Left/Right
Neck Armor
Shin Armor
Shoulder Protector Left/Right
Spear left handed
Spear right handed
Suit Neck Part
Thigh Armor
Torso Armor
Hide Face Mask
Hide Helmet
Torso Armor Style 01-03
Unhide Helmet and Mask
Visor Down
Visor Standard
Visor UP
Foot Pose High Heels
Left Hand Pose
Right Hand Pose

48 Textures

150 Custom Morphs

Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: August 5, 2024

Compatible figures: 
3D Models