Android X01 For G8M

Android X01 For G8M

Android_X01 set is divided into four parts, suit; helmet; gauntlets and boots.
Each element contains morphs and a large amount of MAT Zones allowing the end user to customize the product
according to their needs.
The Suit contains 13 MATs Zones; 4 Adjusting Morphs; 9 Full MATs presets and 2 Final_Touch MATs presets.
The Helmet contains 11 MATs Zones; 8 Adjusting Morphs; 9 Full MATs presets and 3 Final_Touch MATs presets.
The Gauntlets contains 7 MATs Zones; 1 Adjusting Morph; 9 Full MATs presets and 1 Final_Touch MATs presets.
The Boots contains 12 MATs Zones; 4 Adjusting Morphs; 9 Full MATs presets and 3 Final_Touch MATs presets.

Daz Studio Only Product (created in Daz Studio Pro 64bits version on Win10)
This product is not a Merchant Resource.

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Compatible figures: 
Android X01 For G8M | 3D Models for Daz Studio and Poser