Woolly Mammoth for Daz Studio

Woolly Mammoth for Daz Studio

"Woolly Mammoth" is a classic Mammoth from Midnight_stories. It's a stand alone figure fully rigged and with Strand Based and Fiber Mesh Fur. It has several different pose dial groups, and plenty of easy pose dials. Great for your Prehistoric and fantasy scenes.

Stand Alone Character


Conforming Fur

Mammoth Columbian SB Fur
Mammoth Fiber Fur
Mammoth Fiber Tail Fur
Mammoth Strand Base Fur
Mammoth Strand Base Tail Fur

Shape Morphs

Columbian Mammoth
Columbian Mammoth Male

Sub sets for Columbian Mammoth
Mammoth Columbian Baby
Mammoth Columbian Female
Mammoth Columbian Male

Sub sets for Mammoth
Mammoth Baby
Mammoth Female
Mammoth Male

Sub sets for Mammoth Fiber Mesh Fur
Mammoth Baby
Mammoth Female
Mammoth Male

Sub sets for Mammoth Strand Base Fur
Mammoth Baby
Mammoth Female
Mammoth Male

Pose Dials

Angry Face
Close Eye L/R
Close Eyes
Ears Scale
Eye Scale
Head Flat
Mouth Open Close

Tail Bend
Tail Side-Side
Tail Twist

Tongue Bend
Tongue Side-Side
Tongue Twist

Torso Bend
Torso Side-Side
Torso Twist

Trunk Bend
Trunk S-Bend
Trunk Side-Side
Trunk Twist

Tusks Baby
Tusks CurlUp
Tusks Small
Tusks TwistOut
Tusks Gone
Tusks NewBorn
Tusks Stubs

Iray Materials Skin

Mammoth Brown
Mammoth Gray
Mammoth White

Iray Materials Fur

Fur Brown
Fur Gray
Fur White
Tail Hair Brown
Tail Hair Gray
Tail Hair White

Iray Materials Eyes

MAM Eyeball Black
MAM Eyeball White
MAM Eyes Brown
MAM Eyes Dark Gray
MAM Eyes Gray
MAM Eyes Red
MAM Eyes Yellow


MAM Charge
MAM Down
MAM Drink
MAM Grazing
MAM Lay Down
MAM Roar
MAM Stampede
MAM Walk Cyc 1-4
Mam Zero


The Columbian Mammoth should be dials up first before using the Columbian Mammoth Male morph. Also Columbian Mammoth morph will effect the the tusk morphs so only use the Tusks Small morph with it. Due to restrictions of stand base hair, the baby mammoth morph will appear with longer hair. So you will need to go into the hair editor to manually shorten the fur.

Software: Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 10, 2021

Animals for Poser and Daz Studio