Back Alley Underground Club for DS Iray

Back Alley Underground Club for DS Iray
Buy It

To use this product you need the product Back Alley Core Package available in RMP:


- 1 detailed and illustrated PDF file to use the product (with images and videos)
- 1 complete Underground Club set
- 1 empty Underground Club set
- 1 Underground Club (expert mode) to setting up yourself
- 1 new building02 with interior (curtains, doors and interior partitions
- 2 sofas props
- 1 cofee table prop
- 1 neon prop with 7 mats poses colors + 1 morph lenght
- 1 metal beam module
- 6 robotlight figure with erc's controls fully rigged with 1 IES point light atached for each (6 different colors) + 1 robotspot with light off
- 1 DWP module figure with erc's controls (3 neons rigged ON/OFF) + 1 Dance floor set
- 1 mirror balls figure (3 balls) with erc's controls to turn individually the balls
- 2 Iray environment mode options (scene only / sunsky only)
- 4 Iray bloom filter options
- 4 Iray exposure options
- 27 textures maps

+ GOODIES >>>>>>> 3 exclusive electro/techno music from Powerage (.mp3 320 kbp/s) use it in your disco movies :)

Iray materials only.

Note: Please read the detailed and illustrated PDF file attached to the product it contains important information for a good use of the product.

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

Required Products:  
Back Alley Core Package for DS Iray

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 6, 2019

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio