Tower of Abjuration for Poser

Tower of Abjuration for Poser
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Wizards of the School of Abjuration specialize in protective spells, barriers, walls and wards of power, making the Tower of Abjuration the most difficult for an intruder to breach. Above the elegant lobby is a vast library and dormitory, plus another hall set aside to the Council of Abjurors under the High Wizard of Abjuration - who sits in his high throne and holds the staff of power of the Tower of Abjuration. Covered and gilded beds are had by the council. A great crystal also provides light. On the roof are great circles of power upon which Abjurors chat their rituals.

The color of power for the Tower of Abjuration is yellow. It is opposed by the Tower of Transmutation.

The Poser version of this model includes dial driven doors and prop versions of components.

Components: bed, book, book opened, bookcase, case, chair, desk, door (2), magic light column, painting, throne, wizard's staff

The Towers of Magic are each member schools in the Order, the most high order of wizardry. Each tower represents a specific school of magic known to players of the world's most popular role-playing game.

Software: Poser 8+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: April 29, 2021

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio