Dieggo Masamune a.k.a Guaiamu Studio is proud to bring you Baako, the african model for Genesis 3 Male!
He comes with his full body material, 9 eye textures, a full anatomy material, 2 morphs and 2 tattos! For both 3Delight and Iray!
What is Included:
1 Body Morph: > Baako - Body
1 Head Morph: > Baako - Head
9 Eye Materials:
1 Full Body Material for both Iray and 3Delight
2 Tattoo options and one material with both
(Tattoo images in JPG included on templates)
1 Full Gen Material for both 3Delight and Iray
How use the Anatomy Mat:
Load Genesis 3 Male Anatomy and apply Baako's Anatomy Material on it:
PeopleGenesis 3 MaleCharactersGuaiamuStudioBaakoMATsBodyIrayGen
PeopleGenesis 3 MaleCharactersGuaiamuStudioBaakoMATsBody3DelightGen
After that, apply Baako's Materials (Gen version) of your choice on Genesis 3 Male.