BG3D Zelinda for G8F and G8.1

BG3D Zelinda for G8F and G8.1
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Welcome! My Zelinda character is now available for G8 and G8.1 Female and just like the G9 Zelinda they are a duo set!!! She is basically the same character as my Zelinda G9 duo Teen and 130cm versions with some subtle differences, as it would be as the G9 topology is different than the G8's. The skin is very close to the original G9 Zelinda, but with different makeup settings for both G8 and G8.1.

Please read the description for the G9 Zelinda, as it is very similar in design with no short cuts in quality. The G8 Zelinda bends just as well as the G9 version, and some manual corrections were added due to these differences. So no worries, she will not disappoint.

Please use the Preloads as this will load Zelinda with for optimal use. There are 4 Preloads, 2 for G8F (Teen and 130cm) and 2 for G8.1 (Teen and 130cm), which will get you started quickly. The provided Shaping: Full, Head and Body are provided to help those who want to load G8 / G8.1 then add these morphs manually. The FULL Shape will load the Scaling only, if you want to mix Zelinda with other characters you can use the Head/Body Shapes instead.

Both the Teen and 130cm versions have manual Leg corrections when moving the legs/hip regions. This helps maintain a good bendablity in those keys areas. Also there is 6 animated poses for quick access to these same bends. Since i noticed that some areas where not convered when bending i provided these MANUAL adjustments to keep those areas smooth no matter how you bend Zelinda. I mean, she was built for bends like all of my chracters are meant to do. No jagged areas.

Zelinda G8 also comes with a Projection Morph that fixes issues with clothing on the body.

Zelinda G8 comes with an array of material options to suit any scene or any character from your runtime. Zelinda's material options look great on any G8 or G8.1 character so give these textures a try on your specific character build!

None of my morphs are easily pasted/converted each time i make my conversions. Each and every morph is given the proper corrections as G8 and G9 are different. Each character and their respective JCMs are carefully sculpted in zBrush and are never duplicated as each character is made from scratch, so each time I must reconstruct each JCM to fit the specific body type and or part to function properly. Keeping with my traditional design, and like my previous characters (view my store) were crafted with a ballerina's or dancers physique in mind; from bends developed for customized and smooth bending in all keys areas.

NOTICE: I have noticed an increase in interfering JCMs from other vendors that are not properly linked to their respective characters, so be aware that when using my characters to check (Used Morphs) if you see an issue, as they are none when I make my jcms.

I also noticed many 3rd party Eyelashes that are not properly JCM'd to their perspective characters. If you close the G8F eyes and the lashes are not aligned it is because the other 3rd party didn't lock their morphs to the character. Zelinda has no issues here as there are 2 eye-closed JCMs provided.

*** IMPORTANT NOTE: You must load ZELINDA'S MAIN PRELOAD(s) to have to full unlocked bones/parameters to be able to use the Animated Poses and Pose Presets.

26 specialized JCMs(Joint Correction Morphs)
2 FULL Body PRESET (SCALING and EYELASHs JCMs built into Preset)
1 Head Morph
1 Body Morph
1 Teen Chest/Breast Adjustment
1 Head Adjustment
1 Projection Morph (Clothing helper) with quick adjustment (Dial Down) manual morph
4 Manual Correction Leg Morphs (2 Teen, 2 130cm)
6 Animated Poses (located in Pose Controls), 3 Automated Leg Poses, or as Presets in Zelinda's POSES Folder

8 preset individual manual loads
1 Brow attachment / 1 G8F Lashes / 1 G8.1 Lashes and Tear preloads

Over 100 Skin/Makeup Options
1 Customized PBR SKIN based IRAY ONLY base texture (2 Presets - 1 G8F / 1 G8.1)
8 Brow Textures with 2 Opacity options
10 G8.1 Lashes Textures with 13 options
15 G8F Lashes Textures with 12 options
13 Eyeshadow Textures, 1 Removal
7 Eye Textures
11 Lip Textures,3 Gloss Options, 1 Removal
5 LIE Layered Textures (2 Freckles, 2 Face Blush, 1 Eyeliner)
26 Nail Options (13 Fingernail Textures, 13 Toenail Textures, 2 Remove Options)
8 HDRi Render Options, 7 Settings

Eyebrow has been specially molded to Zelinda's morphs and properly placed.

RECOMMENDATION: Render Zelinda G8 fully in SubD 3-4.

****PLEASE READ the included ReadMe file to get the full info regarding this product and proper use****


Once downloaded, just drag and drop into your "My Library" folder to get started.

Open DAZ Studio and load a fresh Genesis 8 or recommended PRELOADS.

Once the base G8 is loaded, there is many options to load Zelinda G8:
1. Search the Parameters Tab to locate Zelinda's morphs and you can manually dial them in.

2. Alternatively go to your Content Library and under /People/Genesis 8 Female/Characters/BG3D/BG3D Zelinda G8/ you can find the PRELOAD and Shaping presets in the next folders already made for you to get started quickly.

**NOTE: The PRELOAD preset will apply all attachments, scaling AND textures for all items. If you wish to mix and match with other morphs please remove preset by using the provided preset for each type of model chosen, OR manually dial them out in the parameters tab.

The materials folder contains a full character material preset for IRAY ONLY!

Tips/Recommendations: Zelinda works best with dForce clothing, so it is recommended to use them whenever possible. It is not necessary to use dForce to get great results, just a personal preference I found when using Zelinda with certain clothing and scenes. Increase smoothing on clothing (3-5 smoothing) to assist as well; but I have tested many clothing and fits a modest amount of clothing very well without assistance or aid of other morphs.

Hair and clothing used in promos are NOT included.

Be sure to check out my other product(s) as well.

Have fun with the duo Zelinda Teen and 130cm versions and Pease return and post up your Renders!

PLEASE return after purchase and post some renders, like and rate give (stars) to Zelinda and contact me if you have any issues via site DM!


Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: February 22, 2025

Compatible figures: 
3D Models