Product Description:
1 conforming Blindfoldzz for Genesis 8 Female
1 prop Blindfoldzz for any figure.
Materials only for Iray!
6 Leather Material
3 Leather Mix Materials
5 Print Materials
61 Color presets you can choose from and add to selected surfaces.
1 preset to set the Fuzzy off.
Change surfaces - mix the colors, and save as preset will give you more styles.
Also it is very shader friendly.
08 Maps for Bump, Color, Displacement and NormalMap (4000*4000* )
1 Template for easy recoloring
This product was designed to fit Genesis 8 Female.
The wearable BlindfoldZZ can be used with her.
The prop can be used with any figureā¦ place it in the scene under the head of your figure.
If you select the figure before you load the prop, it will be placed to the correct place (head of figure)
Some figures may need adjustment.
You will find many morphs for that and you can always scale the prop too.
You will find several materials for the BlindfoldZZ.
Also 60 color presets that you can apply to any surface to mix colors.
Select the surface / or surfaces and apply the color you want.
I recommend loading a Leather material first and then change the surfaces.
At least you can set the Fuzzy off if you want, before you render.
Render and have fun!!