Brit Bodypaint for LaFemme2

Brit Bodypaint for LaFemme2

In this product you get 12 Superfly Bodypaint ‘second skin’ materials for La Femme2

Consisting of:
2 Bird feathers styled bodypaint mats
2 Fantasy landscape styled bodypaint mats
2 Sci-fi styled bodypaint mats
2 Jeans & top styled bodypaint mats
2 Butterfly styled mats
2 Flag suit styled mats

Brit Bodypaint Blacktape outfit uses Material Layering (Poser .mlc files)
They are made for rendering with Superfly and will require Poser 12+ to work.

Compatible figures: La Femme

Software: Poser 12, Poser 13

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: March 1, 2025

Compatible figures: 
Characters for Daz Studio and Poser