SASE Vanity

SASE Vanity
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Vanity is a character for Victoria 4. Included with Vanity:


2 Custom V4 Head INJ & REM
2 Morphs++ Body INJ & REM
1 Nipple INJ & REM


12 Eye Colours
(Soft and Bold)

Two Skin Tones:
Pale Winter & Normal
All Options Come on Both

8 Normal Make-Ups
4 Fantasy Make-Ups

8 Normal Lip Colours
4 Fantasy Lip Colours


Included Shaders:

SSS (P9 & 2012)
Normal (All Poser Versions)
Daz (D|S 4.0+)

Product requirements

Poser 6 or higher -- Daz Studio 4 -- Victoria 4.2 & Morphs ++ (SSS Shaders Require Poser 9+)

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Compatible figures: 
Characters for Daz Studio and Poser