Beatrice for Pauline

Beatrice for Pauline

A new character for Pauline. With a skin created using high definition photographs, her head and body are morphed in Zbrush to give her a totally new look. Separated INJ and REM for Head and Body and no need for extra morphs. Her MAT files will render well in both Firefly and Superfly.
Included a special MAT No Cornea to remove the cornea material if it gives unwanted reflexions while using the Superfly render settings. Included also the MAT Cornea to put back the Cornea material.

Several make-up options complete this character for a unique and realistic female figure ready to rock your Poser runtime!

In this package you'll find:

- INJ Head
- REM Head
- INJ Body
- REM Body
- MAT Beatrice
- MAT No Cornea
- MAT Yes Cornea
- MAT Body No Hair
- MAT Body With Hair
- MAT Arm No Tattoo
- AT Arm With Tattoo
- 8 MAT Eyes
- 2 MAT Lashes
- 1 MAT Face Natural
- 8 MAT Face Make-Ups
- 1 MAT Nails Natural
- 8 MAT Nails Colors

Software: Poser 11

Compatible figures: Pauline

Compatible figures: 
Characters for Poser and Daz Studio