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Elodie is a double sized character package. She has twice the options to make her perfect for any rendering needs you have. She has makeups ranging from soft to extremely bold. She has a thin and muscular body.

Elodie Includes:

2 Head INJ & REM
Body INJ & REM
Navel INJ & REM
Nipple INJ & REM

8 Eye Colours
7 Makeup Colours in 4 styles
(soft, soft with liner, bold with liner, dark party goth)
14 Lip Colours (gloss & matte)

Default Body Mat
Make-Up REM
2 Lash Options
Default Lips (gloss & matte)


D|S SSS Mats (DUF) requires version 4.6
Poser SSS Mats and Non-SSS Mats

Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014 & Game Dev, Daz Studio 4.7

Base Figures: Victoria 4

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Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: December 18, 2014

Characters for Poser and Daz Studio