The Marquis Expansion preview image 0The Marquis Expansion preview image 1The Marquis Expansion preview image 2
Sophisticate style for every man. Add full support for Hiro, M4 Elite Body Shapes, and the Freak 4 to the Marquis with this expansion set.
- Required Products
- The Marquis
- Compatible 3D Figures
- Michael 4, Michael 4 Elite, Hiro 4, The Freak 4
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- The Marquis Expansion: (.CR2 only)
- M4_MarquisBelt01_X
- M4_MarquisBelt02_X
- M4_MarquisBoots_X
- M4_MarquisJacket_X
- M4_MarquisPants_X
- M4_MarquisShirt_01_X
- M4_MarquisShirt_02_X
- M4_MarquisVest_X
- Supported Morphs:
- Morphs++:
- BeerBelly
- BodyBuilder
- Bulk
- Definition
- Emaciated
- Heavy
- Jeremy
- Smooth
- SuperHero
- Thin
- Young
- ArmSize
- BellyThickness
- BellyThin
- BicepsFlex
- BicepsFlexPeak
- CalvesFlex
- ChestBuilt
- ChestDiameter
- ChestDroop
- ChestFlatten
- ChestLarge
- ChestMassive
- ChestSize
- ChestSmall
- ChestSternum
- ForearmsThickness
- GluteCreaseL
- GluteCreaseR
- GluteFlexL
- GluteFlexR
- GluteRaiseL
- GluteRaiseR
- GlutesSize
- HipsCrest
- HipsSize
- Inhale
- LatsSize
- LoveHandleL
- LoveHandleR
- NeckThickness
- ShinsThickness
- ShouldersMassive
- ShouldersThickness
- StomachDepth
- ThighsThickness
- ThighsTone
- TorsoThickness
- TrapsSize
- TricepsFlex
- TricepsRelax
- TummyOut
- WaistWidth
- Adonis
- Prosaic
- Spartan
- Svelte
- Elite:
- Adonis
- Prosaic
- Spartan
- Svelte
- Hiro 4:
- Hiro Body
- Hiro Built
- Hiro Realistic
- Hiro Stylized
- The Freak 4:
- Heroic
- Legendary
- Monstrous
- Trollish
- FootWidth
- HamLimbedArms
- HamLimbedLegs
- HeavyBelly
- LowerBodyStr
- UpperBodyStr
- Morphs++:
- The Marquis Expansion: (.CR2 only)
Compatible figures:
Where to buy: