Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts
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Inspired by the beauty of another age, The Queen of Hearts is a detailed package for V4 and Stephanie Petite's Morphing Fantasy Dresses. Based on medieval clothing styles, this dark dress is accented with lovely golden details and has three versions for the sleeves. Also included is a texture for the cloak. This will be an elegant addition to your historical and fantasy settings.

Required Products
Morphing Fantasy Dress for Stephanie Petite
V4 Hooded Cloak
Stephanie 3.0 Petite Hooded Cloak
Expansion Pack for SP MFD
Fantasy Accessories for Pharaohs
V4 Morphing Fantasy Dress
This product has one full Poser installer and one full DAZ Studio installer.
Compatible 3D Figures
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • Textures for Stephanie Petite Morphing Fantasy Clothes
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the SP Collar
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the SP MFD
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the SP Upper Sleeves
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the SP Lower Sleeves
  • Textures for V4 Morphing Fantasy Clothes
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the Ruffle Sleeves
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the Elbow Sleeves
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the Puff Ruffle Sleeves
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the V4 MFD
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the V4 Collar
  • For both V4 and Stephanie Petite
    • 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the cloak
    • 1 2500 1 2500 x 2500 Texture for the skirt
  • 3 Transparency maps,
  • 8 Displacements for Daz StudioTM
  • 8 Bump maps
  • 14 Poser 6 materials
  • 14 DAZ StudioTM materials

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Clothing Accessories for Daz Studio and Poser