Exnem Leather Jacket for G3

Exnem Leather Jacket for G3
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This Package contains the "Leather Jacket" set of meshes for DAZ Studio 4.8 and above, for use with Genesis 3 Females.

Included is a higly detailed high polygon leather jacket mesh in 10 different variations. Each variation is a different figure, instead of using morphs to open or close the jacket. This allows you to use body morphs on your character and not deform the jacket badly. There is 1 Closed jacket and 9 Opened jacket variations to choose from.

Wrinkles in the jacket are created using displacement maps so make sure you have the option enabled when rendering (on by default).

It will autoconform with all Genesis 3 Female Base morphs and Victoria 7.

Materials come in both 3Delight and Iray Renderer versions.

Software: Daz Studio 4

Base Figures:  Genesis 3 Female

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 24, 2016

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Daz Studio