Black and Lilac for Dynamic Skirts 1 and 2

Black and Lilac for Dynamic Skirts 1 and 2
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Something a little darker for Dawn and Victoria 4's Dynamic Skirts. Compatible with Poser 10+ (11.2+ for Superfly).

Updated November 2020. This product now contains both Black and Lilac for Dynamic Skirts for Dawn and Black and Lilac for Dynamic Skirts for Victoria 4, includes all materials from both products, and materials have been updated to be sure they all work with the Superfly Render Engine. If you own EITHER of the original products, you can just re-download your zip file. Your product zip file will have the original file name, but the product will be updated as noted here. Please see information in the ReadMe file prior to updating.

Requires Dawn and/or Victoria 4, plus "Dynamic Skirts 1 for Dawn and Victoria 4 and/or "Dynamic Skirts 2 for Dawn and Victoria 4.

Note - if you previously owned either Dynamic Skirts 1 OR 2 for Dawn or Dynamic Skirts 1 OR 2 for Victoria 4, please re-download your product(s), as they have been combined and you will now have both products in one, which these textures can be used on.

This product contains 7 beautiful material options in black and shades of lilac for the Dynamic Skirts for Dawn and Victoria 4, with 2 different pattern options for each. There are 4 dark color schemes in black and shades of lilac, and 3 light color schemes in shades of lilac.

The updated product has been streamlined from the original separate Dawn and V4 versions, so the original 7 material options included will work on all of the different skirt options (no longer a need for separate presets for each skirt style). There is one set of color option presets for Dawn's skirts, and a separate one for V4's skirts. Additionally, a new set of 7 presets has been added which will work with both Dawn AND V4's skirts. In all cases, the materials have been brightened and updated to work in Superfly where needed, and are designed to mimic real material. The new presets lack any of the pattern growth that exists in the originals. Both styles are now available for you to choose!

What's Included & Features

Materials (.mc6)

Figure options
One set of materials that will only work on Dynamic Skirts 1 AND 2 for Dawn and on Dynamic Skirts 1 AND 2 for V4 (in main material folder)
One set of materials that will only work on Dynamic Skirts 1 AND 2 for Dawn
One set of materials that will only work on Dynamic Skirts 1 AND 2 for V4

Color options for each set
Black and Lilac 1
Black and Lilac 2
Black and Lilac 3
Black and Lilac 4
Lilac 1
Lilac 2
Lilac 3

Software: Poser 10+

Compatible figures: Victoria 4, Dawn, Dawn S.E.

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 14, 2021

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio