dforce Comfy Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females

dforce Comfy Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females
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dforce Comfy Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females

A staple item in every wardrobe - a comfy hoodie!
Comes with an extensive texturing system so you can create unique looks.
Using dforce is strongly recommended, but is not required.
The hoodie is fully rigged and weight mapped with several style and adjustment morphs and may be used as conforming clothing. Includes style morphs such as hood down and open pocket and superlong sleeves as well as morphs for panda and cat ears.

Hope you like it and thank you so much for viewing. Comments and feedback is always welcome!

Set includes:

Conforming Clothing Figure
- Comfy Hoodie (duf)

- 10 Base Colors for the hoodie (Iray)
- 10 Base Gradients for the hoodie (Iray)
- 8 Full texture sets for the hoodie (Iray)
- 9 Splat textures for the hoodie (Iray)
- 5 Hoodie decorations presets in 4 materials each (Iray)
- 6 Sleeve texts presets in 4 materials each (Iray)
- 10 Sleeve stripes presets (Iray)
- 3 Eyelet material presets (Iray)

- Hand in pocket L
- Hand in pocket R
- Hands in pocket both
- Reset poses
- Hands when sleeves over

The hoodie is made for the Genesis 8 Female shapes and Aiko8, Charlotte8, Monique8, Olympia8, Sakura8, Stephanie8, TeenJosie8 and Victoria8.
Included morphs have been smoothed and adjusted for better fit. Other body morphs supported by Auto-Follow.

Style and adjustment morphs:
- CatEars.dsf
- Hood Back Bigger.dsf
- Hood Backward.dsf
- Hood Forward.dsf
- Hood Front Bigger.dsf
- Hood Side WiderL.dsf
- Hood Side WiderR.dsf
- Hood Sides Wider.dsf
- Hood Top Higher.dsf
- Hood Top Wider.dsf
- HoodDown.dsf
- HoodieLong.dsf
- HoodieSleevesLong.dsf
- HoodieSleevesSuperLong.dsf
- HoodTight.dsf
- Loosen Lower over Skirts.dsf
- Loosen Waistband Back.dsf
- Loosen Waistband Front.dsf
- Loosen Waistband Left.dsf
- Loosen Waistband Right.dsf
- Loosen Waistband Sides.dsf
- Loosen_HoodieThighs.dsf
- Loosen_Lower.dsf
- PandaEars.dsf
- PocketOpenBothHands.dsf
- PocketOpenHandL.dsf
- PocketOpenHandR.dsf

For a full list of included morphs, please view the read me file.

This is a clothing set. Characters, Hair and Poses are NOT included

Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Female

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: March 17, 2018

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio