LFS dForce Bone Witch Outfit for Genesis 8 Female

LFS dForce Bone Witch Outfit for Genesis 8 Female

LilyFox Studios presents ~~~

LFS Dforce Bone Witch Outfit for Genesis 8 Female

"We are the blood
of the witches
you thought dead.

We carry witchcraft in our bones
whilst the magic still sings
inside our heads.

When the witch hunters
imprisoned our ancestors
when they tried to burn the magic away.

Someone should have
warned them
that magic cannot be tamed.
Because you cannot burn away
what has always
been aflame."

~~ Nikita Gill

Bone Witch ~~~

A magical 8 piece outfit for the Genesis 8 Female! Dforce is located in both the dress and the sleeves. Please refer to the documentation included on the best way to set up your simulations. This outfit is a complex setup and takes some knowledge in setting up the simulations, tips are included in the documentation provided.

Dforce Bone Witch Outit for G8F has been optimized for DAZ Studio 4.12+ with advanced shaders and DAZ Studio specific material settings to achieve maximum results in DAZ Studio 4.12+. Bone Witch is an 8 piece clothing outfit, that includes numerous individual bones. The skirt and sleeves are Dforce simulation ready. This set comes with one complete texture set. Additional texture sets can be found in the Bone Witch Texture Expansion Set.

This set has a number of individual maps with specific settings for each piece specifically designed for bump; displacement; normals; specular; sub surface scattering; highlight & ambient settings. These are designed to boost the realism and more utilize the functions of DAZ Studio 4.12. DUF files have been included for Iray only due to the nature of the advanced mapping specifically designed for the realism of the Iray rendering system.

REQUIREMENTS: Genesis 8 Female

REQUIRED PROGRAMS: DAZ Studio 4.12+ (Daz Studio 4.9.4+)

01 Dforce Simulation Tips & Informational File (located in Documentation Folder)

Dforce Bone Witch Outfit for Genesis 8 Female

01 !LoadAll Dress Plain 8 piece outfit
01 !LoadAll Dress Bones 8 piece outfit
01 Dress with Bones
01 Dress Plain
01 Bone Back Piece
01 Pair Boots
01 Hat
01 Sleeves
01 Left Shoulder Bones
01 Right Shoulder Bones
01 Boot Pose

01 Dforce Simulation Tips & Informational File (located in Documentation Folder)

01 Dress Plain
01 Dress with Bones
01 Dress Bones ONLY
01 Hat
02 Boots
01 Sleeves
01 Back Bone Piece
01 Left Shoulder Bones
01 Right Shoulder Bones


009 Texture Maps
018 Bump/Specular/SSS/Ambient/Normals/Displacement Maps

003 Load Files
008 Outfit Files
010 Daz|Studio 4.12 Iray DUF files

Software: Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Female

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 6, 2020

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio