Ronk Closet1 and Toe Morphs

Ronk Closet1 and Toe Morphs
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For the new Figure from Nursoda Ronk i did a few clothes and some Toe Morphs.
The clothes have many morphs for adjustment and sometimes movement.
Because the Base Rigging from Ronk is a bit older, the clothes may need a morphbrush to smooth parts after posing.

Product Description:

- 1 conforming T-Shirt (.obj,.cr2)
- 1 conforming Panty (.obj,.cr2)
- 1 Pair of Flip-Flops (.obj,.cr2)
- 1 Cap with Hair (.obj,.cr2)

- 1 INJ / Rem file to setup Toemorphs for Ronk (with .pmd file )
........... 7 Toe Morphs
- 1 adj footpose for Ronk after posing

- 8 Haircolors
3 Colorsets for the Clothes :
- Set Red
- Set Green
- Set Blue

- 24 Maps(Bump,Normal,Trans,Diffuse,Displacement)

- 6 Templates

Many Morphs

Optimized for Firefly and Superfly

Software: Poser Pro 11

Required Products: Ronk

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: June 29, 2020

Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio