Dynamic Drawstring Pants La Femme

Dynamic Drawstring Pants La Femme
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Dynamic Drawstring Pants for Poser now available for LaFemme with new Superfly PBR materials

Dynamic drawstring pants comes with tons of options. They come with several morphs for different fittings and styles, they are also parented to LaFemme so you can scale them in the zero pose to adjust the size during cloth simulation.

The morphs include adjustments for hips, buttocks and pant flare. It also comes with an object with the strings removed, if you are using it with another dynamic object over it (Like a long shirt) or just want it without them.

Tons of UV-mapped materials with displacement maps are included:

Basic (Stonewashed fabric)
Rhinestone ornaments
Silky pajamas

Poser Pro 11

Required Products:  
La Femme Pro - 1.1 Pro Base Figure for Poser 11

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 13, 2019

Clothing for Poser