Helga Dress and Cape for La Femme

Helga Dress and Cape for La Femme
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a Halloween outfit for La Femme... except we like pretty. So... it may not be JUST for Halloween!

Sisters in Chaos put our heads together-- and decided what the world needs World Peace, Love and Harmony. Sadly we make Poser Toys, so our ability to affect these things is minimal.
This is be a high-necked dress with a pretty cape.

Usage Tips:
The patterns will look slightly different in the two render engines, Superfly and Firefly.
POSER 12 USERS MUST POSE on some frame greater than 1 AND add any HAIR AFTER the sim is complete.
This is a dynamic item. We provide JRoulin's marvelous scripts to make the job easier for you, but if the results aren't exactly as you envisioned, please crack open the cloth room and mess around with the settings. Everything generally looks and fits better the longer you let the simulation run. You can change the things the dress and cape colide against if need be. The defaults are la Femme and the floor, but you may want to add a sofa or some underware. If so, you'll have to tell Poser about these changes in the Collide against dialog. IF you want the cloth to ignore the hands/feet or head, you'll have to tell poser about that, too.

And, Sadly, not every pose and every morph will work.

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Compatible figures: La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 30, 2022

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser