Nia Dress and 14 Styles for PE, V4, Dawn and Pauline

Nia Dress and 14 Styles for PE, V4, Dawn and Pauline
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Nia Dress and 14 Styles for PE, V4, Dawn and Pauline. The prop cloth in this set can only be used with the Poser Cloth Room. For using this set you need to have Poser 8 or higher and Project Evolution, Victoria 4, Dawn or Pauline.

Included in this set are:

- Dress
- 14 Material settings (mc6)
- 37 Textures

Included morphs:

- Fit V4
- Fit Dawn
- Fit Pauline
- Fit Pauline 2
- Flat Chest
- SleeveL Smaller
- SleeveR Smaller
- SleeveL Length + Width Adj
- SleeveR Length + Width Adj

The clothing item has external obj files in the geometries folder.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Important usage notes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This is a dress with a very high polygon amount and a very dense mesh. Simulation time will be longer than for my other clothes for PE. It's very important that you have enough frames to give the sleeves enough time to relax. For the promo images I used 60 frames. It's also very important that you have enough space between the arms and the body to make sure the geometry of the sleeves is able to slide in that space and relax nicely.

Please have a look at my readme for more details and instruction.

The product was designed on a PC with Windows 7 and not tested on a MAC.

© Copyright 2018 Kerstin Weihe (karanta)

Software: Poser 8+

Compatible figures: Victoria 4, Dawn, Dawn S.E., Pauline, Project E

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: December 10, 2018

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser