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Gremlin preview image 0Gremlin preview image 1One of DAZ's most wide-spread past free models is available right here at a low price so that you can enjoy it as well. Now refitted with new morphs to bring it to life in a whole new way.
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- Poseable Limbs
- Facial Morph Targets
- New morphs include:
- FBMs:
- Big Shoulders
- Big Upper Arms
- Big Forearms
- Big Pecs
- Big Thighs
- Big Calves
- Butt Shape
- Fat Belly
- Tiny Waist
- Hunchback
- Breasts
- sagbreasts1
- sagbreasts2
- Back Spines 1
- Back Spines 2
- EarShape
- Big Eyes
- Big Ears nipples
- New head morphs added:
- biglips lip adjust (adjusts mesh so the lip material looks placed properly)
- manchoo
- pointychin
- mustache
- finhead chops
- browwrinkle
- mouth corners foreward
- noseshape brow points
- skull crease
- cheeks foreward
- Openmouthwide
- sunkencheeks1
- sunkencheeks2
- round head top
- longerfangs
- FBMs:
- In addition, the head, hands, and feet can also be scaled up or down in size as well, to add diversity to your Gremlin renders!
- No Genitalia
- 900 X 900 Pixel Texture Map
Where to buy: Daz3d
Publish date: March 5, 2013
Compatible figures: