Hunter's Moon

Hunter's Moon

Moody, scary and mysterious, Hunter's Moon was created for use with the new tall Millennium Environment, the Multiplane Cyclorama and the Woodland Realm Playsets. The new Millennium Environment obj. is twice the height of the original and uses six texture panels. The extra height makes adding building models into your scene much easier.

Required Products
Woodland Realm Playset One
In your Figures library under 'Environments' you will find a new Woodland Realm Playset environment preloaded onto two pre-sized cr2s. The lights included in the Lights library under 'Environment' are the best lights to use with the Woodland Realm Playset environments.

In your Figures library under 'Environments' are three new Cyclorama environments preloaded onto three pre-sized cr2s. Included for the Cyclorama environment is one camera setting to optimize the view of the Hunter Moon Cyclorama.

While this texture set can be used on its own, it was created with 'Lisa's Botanicals - Creepy Trees II' in mind.

This product is not a merchant resource and may not be used in the creation of another background package.
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • 6 textures for Millennium Environment (3600 x 1600)
  • 1 texture for Woodland Real Playset (3600 x 1600)
  • 3 textures for Multiplane Cyclorama (3100 x 2500)
  • 2 textures for trees (750 x 1500)
  • 6 tree props (pp2)
  • 1 skydome prop (pp2)
  • 1 ground texture for the Millennium Environment
  • 1 ground texture for the Woodland Realm Playset
  • 1 Millennium Environment preloaded onto 1 pre-sized cr2
  • 2 Woodland Realm Playset environments preloaded onto 2 pre-sized cr2s
  • 2 Cyclorama environments preloaded onto 3 pre-sized cr2s
  • 1 camera setting to optimize the view of Hunter's Moon

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Environments and Props for Daz Studio and Poser