Fern Wright Character Morph for G8F, 8.1F and G9

Fern Wright Character Morph for G8F, 8.1F and G9

Today we bring you Fern Wright, our first English Character. We have made over 100 character models now and a few days ago realized that not one has actually been crafted with the intention of being from our homeland.

Fern is quintessentially English, she has the thin build synonymous with brit pop acts and various young English Actresses of the 90's. Classy, yet chavy, accepting yet opinionated, Fern is as cute as she is severe. She may seem simple on the surface, but given time you'll see a hidden depth she reserves only for those she trusts.

Download our English Rose today and add her to your creative toolkit.

Happy Rendering


What's Included:

Fern Wright (Base G8F skin loads)
Fern Wright 8.1 (Base G8F skin loads)
Fern Wright Genesis 9 (Loads with a G9 options, see Base image)

Morphs (For G8 and8.1F):
> Body Apply
> Body Remove
> Head Apply
> Head Remove
> Nipples Apply
> Nipples Remove
> Zero All Morphs

Dials for G8 and G9 included for both head and body.

* Skin, hair, clothing, backgrounds and props not included!

Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: August 31, 2024

3D Models