G8F's Universal LIE Makeup, Nails & Piercing Styles

G8F's Universal LIE Makeup, Nails & Piercing Styles

G8F's Universal LiE Makeup, Nails & Piercing Styles

Elevate your character's style with the G8F's Universal LiE Makeup, Nails & Piercing Styles by CBG3D. This versatile set offers an array of options to transform your G8F characters into captivating personalities, from edgy and rebellious to elegant and glamorous.

Key Features:

* Six Eye Colors: Experiment with six captivating eye colors to match your character's unique look.

*Eleven LiE Makeup Presets: Immerse your characters in the world of cosplay, rock 'n' roll, and web-swinging adventures with these hand-crafted makeup presets. From Batman-themed face nail polishes to spider web-inspired makeup for band gigs with "Spyder-Byte," this pack oozes attitude.

* Eleven LiE Lips Only Presets: Enhance your character's lip game with eleven distinct LiE lips presets, each adding a touch of personality and style.

*Three Eyebrow Piercing Props: Add an edgy touch to your character's appearance with three separate eyebrow piercing props, perfect for those who love a rebellious style.

*Navel Piercing: Accentuate your G8F model's midsection with a stylish navel piercing, adding a subtle yet fashionable detail to their look.

*Six Custom Crafted Nail Polishes (Feet and Hands): Experiment with a variety of nail polish colors, with options for both feet and hands. Whether you prefer bold and vibrant or subtle and elegant, there's a shade for every mood.

*Three Pattern-Based Designs: Explore three unique pattern-based nail designs that add an extra layer of creativity to your character's look.

*Three Hand-Made Superhero Nail Polish Designs: Embrace your inner hero with three superhero-themed nail polish designs, inspired by iconic characters and logos.

*LiE Presets: All makeup and nail presets are saved as LiE presets, making them available for ALL Genesis 8 Females, allowing for versatile character customization.

File Paths:

Makeup and Nails: People\Genesis 8 Female\Materials\CBG3D\G8Fs_Universal_LiE_Makeup
Piercing Props: People\Genesis 8 Female\Props\CBG3D\G8Fs_Universal_Props

Unlock endless creative possibilities and transform your G8F characters with the G8F's Universal LiE Makeup, Nails & Piercing Styles. Whether you're creating a cosplay sensation, a rockstar persona, or a web-swinging hero, this set has you covered. Get ready to rock your character's world with a touch of CBG3D's artistic flair.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Let your creativity shine!

"In Pixels We Trust, Rock Defies the Odds! Heroes Forge Their Own Destiny."

Compatible figures: 
3D Models