Hero Boots Bundle for G9

Hero Boots Bundle for G9
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* Hero Boots 02 for G9: The Hero Boots 02 for Genesis 9 are here. Inspired by a classic heroine, and crafted with care, I hope you will find appreciate its use for your Daz Studio scenes.

Each boot has 14 material zones to customize at your leisure, and the file include 29 shaders with a wide range of colors and transparences, allowing for versatility out of the box.

* Hero Boots 03 for G9: A pair of thigh high boots fot Genesis 9. Flexible and well crafted for all kind of situations, from superheroes to crazy gunmen in post-apocalyptic wastelands, passing through fantasy forest and sci-fi ships.

It has seven material zones and I have added 16 material presets to the package. It has an UV mapping that should make relatively easy to make textures for them.

* Hero Boots 04 for G9: You may note the resemblance to Hero Boots 01. It's not accidental, as after learning quite a bit about modeling after several successful products (and several failed ones that have not seen the light of the day), I found myself wanting to redo it with what I know now, and the materials that I have now accessible,

This is the result. As you see, it has a similar shape to its predecesor, the material zones are the same, and the mapping is compatible. But the geometry is all different, allowing a greater flexibility with less polygons.

As said before, with the mapping being compatible with Hero Boots 01, it can use my Texture Pack for Hero Boots 01.

* Hero Boots 05 for G9: Thigh High Boots with a flange in the taller parts, ideal for simulate the kind of high boots some superheroines and sci-fi heroines wear. Of course the same can be said from villainesses.

The mesh has 8 material zones and I'm providing 18 material shaders with the package.

Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: May 24, 2024

3D Models