John Cena 2k20 arrives at Renderhub, ready to fight!!.
The character comes with the following:
-The character of his body, (brings maps of Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Bump and SSS, of 2048x2048 pixels).
-Eyelashes, hair, eyes with realistic shader and fibermesh eyebrows.
-An outfit of clothes.
John Cena 2k20 comes with, Custom male G8 eyelashes, Fibermesh eyebrows, An outfit of clothes, the pants and sneakers,
brings a script, which when applying this clothing to the character, hides the geometry of the character, avoiding problems of
transfer of geometry of the character with the clothes, the clothes bring extra morphs to modify the clothes,
clothes have smoothing modifier, activate it if necessary.
The hair has a script to hide a part of the hair, when applying the cap, and another script to return
to restore the hair without the cap (you can find these scripts in the scripts folder).
The character brings a texture shader (you can find this material in the materials folder).
It also comes with two scripts, one to apply the morph and another to remove it.
The character comes in a zip file, to be installed, with the Daz studio installer manager.
The character is found in: People, Genesis 8 male, characters, supremo-omega, John Cena 2k20.
John Cena 2k20,llega a Renderhub, listo para luchar!!.
El personaje viene con lo siguiente:
-El personaje de su cuerpo,(trae mapas de Difuso,Specular,Normales,Bump y SSS, de 2048x2048 pixeles).
-Pestanas,Pelo,ojos con shader realista y con cejas fibermesh.
-Un atuendo de ropa.
John Cena 2k20 viene con, Pestanas personalizadas male G8,Cejas fibermesh,Un atuendo de ropa, el pantalon y zapatillas,
trae un scrip, que al aplicar esta ropa al personaje, esconde la geometria del personaje, evitando problemas de
traspaso de geometria del personaje con la ropa, la ropa trae morphs extras para modificar la ropa,
la ropa trae smoothing modifier, activalo si es necesario.
El pelo trae un script para ocultar una parte del cabello,al aplicarse la gorra,y otro scrip para volver
a restaurar el pelo sin la gorra(estos scripts los encuentras en la carpeta Scripts).
El personaje trae un shader de texturas,(este material, los encuentras en la carpeta materials).
Ademas trae dos scrips, uno para aplicar el morph y otro para removerlo.
El personaje viene en archivo zip, para ser instalado, con el instalador manager de Daz studio.
El personaje lo encuentras en: People, Genesis 8 male, characters, supremo-omega, John Cena 2k20.