MDCH Climb High Bundle

MDCH Climb High Bundle

The Climb High Bundle includes everything you need for any climbing scene and not only.

The package contains:

  • Climbing Accessories that includes a harness and a helmet for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s) and Female(s), dForce ropes, dForce Quickdraw straps, walnuts, Friends, belay and break devices and many scripts for easy setup of the scene
  • Climbing and Athletics Outfit, for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s), including a pair of Leggings, a Top and a pair of shoes for each figure.
  • Climbing poses for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s) and Female(s)
  • A climbing Granite rock environment, including not only the rock surface, but the surrounding valley (aprox. 450m x 450m) as well. A lot of vegetation fills in area and an atmosphere prop is controlling the haze and the Gods rays.

I hope you enjoy the climbing accessories product. Have fun!

Compatible Figures:

Genesis 8 Female, Genesis 8 Male

Compatible Software:

DAZ Studio 4.12

Install Types:

Look at individual products in this bundle for install types

Compatible figures: 