P3D Lips

P3D Lips
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Product Description:

10 gorgeous Kissable lipmorphs for Victoria 4, carefully crafted in Zbrush. Easy to use dial
system (for Poser only). Use them for your own character creation or to change the appearance of an excisting character. Each lip can be dialed from zero to one and can also be mixed and matched for even more variety.

This set may also be used as a merchant resource. Please view readme for more details.

This set includes:
1 Lips dial inject including 10 lip morphs (works in Poser only)
1 Lips dial rem (works in Poser only)
10 Lip INJ/REM for both Poser and DAZ Studio

No textures included.

Has been tested in Poser 6 and up
Has been tested in DAZ Studio 2.3 and up

Thank you for your interest in my product.

All promo's are rendered in Poser Pro 2012 using indirect lights.

Product credits:

SAV Dragon Lady Hair by StudioArtVartanian

Arkana by Lesthat and Val3Dart

VH Pretty Cute by Godin

VH Jessie by Godin
P3D Jenifer by PDesign, texture only

IDL Studio by Colm
Lights from GND Anastasia by Blackhearted

Promo background:
SASE Ambience 2D by Sabby and Seven

A huge "thank you" to you all! :)

Product requirements

Poser 6 and higher, DAZ Studio 2.3 and higher and Victoria 4

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Compatible figures: 
Morphs and Deformers for Daz Studio and Poser