Flinks BloodFX - Bullet Wounds

Flinks BloodFX - Bullet Wounds
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Flinks BloodFX - Bullet Wounds contains:

80 different blood objects that should represent wounds from firearms.
Most of the objects have a cylindrical base, so they can be placed in a hole or sunk into a surface.
There are 15 Poser materials (10 Superfly, 5 Firefly) and 10 DAZ materials (as Material Preset and as Shader) included.

For Poser:

80 Bullet Wound Props
5 Firefly Materials
10 Superfly Materials

For OBJ:

80 Bullet Wound Objects

For DAZStudio:

10 Iray Material Presets
10 Iray Shaders

These are static props, not animations

Daz Studio 4, Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Requirements:  3d software with obj import

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 15, 2021

Props for Poser and Daz Studio