Mif Private Indoor Pool Residence

Mif Private Indoor Pool Residence
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what you get for the product:

-1 House (Mif Private Indoor Pool Residence) sporting sliding doors, with a generous wide terrace - approx : 403 sqm -> 4337 sqf wide surounded with fence.
House has indoors surface approx : 682 sqm -> 7340 sqf, back room about 248 sqm, bathroom room space about 36 sqm and shower room space about 24 sqm.
The house has 1 pool room, 1 back (huge 248 sqm) room, 1 long hallway, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room; each room has it's materials for walls, ceiling and ground and windows.
- 7 Window blinds sets- controllable, they can be rotated, the whole window blinds group can be controlled at the same time. Window blinds have 7 diferrent groups, one group for each window group. Eastern windows group is the one at the pool entrance.
-1 Indoors swimming pool 8 metres x 6 metres, water depth about 2.2 metres.
-1 Swimming pool stairs, it can be removed.
-1 Swimming pool metal ladder.
-1 Water splash next to the ladder.
-8 Underwater swimming pool lights.
-4 Pool windows for underwater renders, each window has a camera.
- Outdoors/Indoors Lights - house has one preset for default full scene. Few presets for direct and indirect lighting are available, room lights off or on presets as well.
-1 Piano with lid always closed (Romance & Sun grand piano_lid_always_closed)
Every single Piano key is posable; Piano pedals, each can be posed; keyboard piano lid is also posable. Piano wheels can be vertically rotated independently.
-1 Piano chair (height adjustable).
- 1 Palm tree with 4 trees preset, palm trees posed.

> Product does not include the HDR images, characters, their clothes, candles, wine glass, speaker, tables and chairs, water simulation used in the promo images.

Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: April 27, 2021

Props for Poser and Daz Studio