My Hangers

My Hangers

Let My Hangers fill your runtime.
15 hanger style props are sure to bring excitement to your renders.
5 chain style hangers
3 wall style hangers
6 stand style hangers
1 morphing stand hanger

Enjoy My Hangers props With multi metallic style options.

My Hangers

15 Hanger, Chain & Stand Props

9 Metal Shades

Prop obj

15 Hanger Props

...Chain & Ball Hanger single
...Chain & Ball Hanger straight
...Chain & Ball Hanger Curved
...Chain Linked Hanger Single
...Chain Linked Hanger Straight
...Wall Corner Bracket Hanger
...Wall Hanger Simple
...Wall Hanger Branch
...Fancy Stand Hanger
...FourWay Stand Hanger
...Dual Stand Hanger
...Heart Duo Stand Hanger
...Simple Short Stand Hanger
...Branch Stand Hanger
...Morphing Stand Hanger with 3 style options

9 Material Styles for the Metal (.mt5)

...Gold 1
...Gold 2
...Gold 3
...Bronze 1
...Bronze 2
...Bronze 3
...Silver 1
...Silver 2
...Metallic Moss

Poser 6+
Not tested in Daz Studio. Minor shader tweaking may be required.
stand alone static props

My Hangers

Software: Poser 7+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 22, 2016

Props for Poser and Daz Studio