Point Nemo Cutter

Point Nemo Cutter
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Cutter is a small utility boat designed for a number of specific tasks, with more emphasis on speed, compactness and mobility traffic than on the volume of cargo. Our model represents a small support boat for remote marine construction and projects, such as lighthouses. Here it is intended for maintenance and repair, but can also serve as a mobile base for divers and for all manner of other transport tasks over short distances. It is a versatile vessel that finds many uses both in real life as in your runtimes.

What is included:
Poser ERC Figure

Point Nemo Cutter

Light Glares
Ground Stand
Crane Hanger (Bonus for Point Nemo Lighthouse owners)

M4 Helmsman Pose
Cutter on stand Pose
Cutter on Lighthouse Roof (Bonus for Point Nemo Lighthouse owners)

3 Multilight Presets
2 interior component Lights

Scaled to poser people, 4k x 4k textures suitable for closeups, ERC Coding

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 12, 2015

Props for Poser and Daz Studio