Pulp SciFi Rifle for Poser and DS

Pulp SciFi Rifle for Poser and DS
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After my Pulp Sci-Fi Pistols you asked for something with more 'kick'.
So, without a further ado, let me present... Pulp Sci-Fi Rifle!

Beside weapon, you'll get package box (as usual), but this time instead of holster, I
included ammo charge and ammo charge in pouch.

This time there's no preset material styles. You can use default one OR paint your own
style however you want. Either change diffuse color or apply complete material
from your materials collection. It's easy and fun!

Product contains versions for Poser (with FireFly and SuperFly materials) and DAZ Studio (Iray materials)

Poser 8 / Poser Pro 2010+, Poser 10 / Poser Pro 2014 +, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser Pro 11, DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: May 14, 2020

Props for Poser and Daz Studio