i13 Massage Time

i13 Massage Time

i13 Massage Time!

Inside this amazing new collection you'll get everything you need to create your
perfect scene in just a few clicks!

•Scene (.pz3)
•Preload (.pp2.+ obj)
•IBL light set (.lt2)
•5 Camera presets (.cm2)
•12 Props (.pp2 + .obj)
•massage beds
•water bowls with flowers
•floor leaves
•small chest
•massage area
•bench with tea set
•walls, ceiling, floor all movable
•rendersettings included

- Poser users be sure to have raytracing/sss on in render settings
System Requirements:
PC and MAC compatible
Poser 7+

Product requirements

Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014
Props Scenes and Architecture for Poser