Now with makeup, total revamped model!!
This is Sammy, my new and friendly rebellious teenager. She has a beautiful hourglass shaped body. She has a carefully shaped face with large eyes and full soft sweet lips. To complete the realism, fiber mesh eyebrows are included and lots of materials to alter the look.
Sammy has makeup:
8 lip Colors
8 realistic Eye colors
8 Nails Colors
8 Makeup presets
Use of Longer nails: Load from Anatom folder and pick the color you like.
How to use:
Just extract to your Daz runtime folder.
You can find her under Daz Genesis 8 Female My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\USB\Sammy
Apply the included fibermesh brows.
Apply the included Iray skin textures.
Apply Longer Nails in Anatomy folder.
Included Morphs:
Apply Head
Apply Body
Apply Nipples
Apply Full Character
Morph locations:
Head: Actor/Head/People/Real World
Body: Actor/Full Body/Real World
Full Character: Actor/People/Real World.
Required: Daz Studio V4.11 and up