

This package contains 13 photos of an area that was logged in 2011.

It was previously logged in about 1900 and then in about 1975, so this was NOT old growth for the 2011 logging. In the 1900s, when it was old growth, it would have been logged with cross-cut saw (also known as a "misery whip" or a "Swedish fiddle" -- a large double-ended manual saw with a two man team to operate it) while they stood on spring-boards rammed into the sides of the stumps. (Some of the very old stumps here still have the notches for the springboards.) In the 1970s, it was a large crew armed with chainsaws, a "donkey" (large machine with tow ropes from mast) to pull the logs, and various other equipment. However, the technology advanced a bit before the 2010s...when it apparently only took a 3 man crew for the whole operation. Fortunately we'd been sent a letter saying they were going to log (I have adjoining property) because they started just after dark. We could see a cluster of brilliant white lights out in the woods, roaring and crashing noises, and then trees swishing and going down. Never mind the police, I wanted to call the Men in Black to deal with what was OBVIOUSLY an alien spaceship on the ground! Then, I remembered about the scheduled logging, and put off calling anyone, on the off chance that this was new logging technology. When we got a look at it, it was a giant machine that grabs trees with a giant claw, cuts them off at the base with it's built in saw appendage, and then lays them down for something else (skidder?) to drag off. Quite startling at night when you're not expecting it!

These photos were taken in 2011 after the loggers left. I did NOT go into the logging works while the machinery was there. Too dangerous. (I was watching from the edge of my own property occasionally, though.) However, after they left, I went on a tour to see what it looked like.

And no, there aren't likely to be more logging photos from that place. The local county has bought it to use as a park. At least it'll be a park after trees grow back up. Right now, it's rather weedy with Scotch broom and blackberries. (Some of the "Wild Trail" photos were taken in this same place.)

Anhow, on with the artwork. Just think what sorts of things you could put these to use as. Well, let's start with the sorts of things that people put logged off areas to use as.
Party locations -- with people on motorcycles, a bon fire, and lots of singing and shouting.
Places to set of large fireworks. (Including dynamite one New Year's eve after the 1970s logging -- we had rocks raining down on our roof.)
Rest stop during a bicycle race. An old railroad right-of-way crosses here and is now a major trail. It is that level road shown in two pictures, and there have been bicycle races there. ("Foggy Walk" shows an another local ex-railroad as a trail. And part of "Wild Trail" is ex-railroad gone wild.)
Horseback riders.
Then, you can get imaginative....and put an actual alien landing craft down in this out-of-the-way spot. Maybe the aliens are having a picnic and setting off fireworks? LOL!
Or, maybe you'll think of something even more entertaining!

Photos are at 2848x2134 pixels (8 of them, 6.08 megapixels each), 2816x2122 pixels (1 of them, 5.98 megapixels), and 4000x3000 pixels (4 of them, 12 megapixels each).

Stock Photography for Poser and Daz Studio