Photo Textures: Surface of Rock

Photo Textures: Surface of Rock

Surface of Rock is a collection of 20 2K textures (2048x2048) and 3 4K (4096x4096) texture tiles based on photographs of plaster rocks around europe. They are seamless, and large enough for most texturing needs. They are perfect for anything from rocks, cliffs, stone walls, floors etc.

Some of the variations of the tile textures are subtle, somewhat similar to each other but with subtle differences in the shape. This effective if you want to put tiles ona a bigger model and want some natural variation.

The following is included:
* 20 tiled textures, 2048x2048
* 23 tiled textures, 4096x4096
* MT5 files for Poser
* Each texture has color texture, height (bump/displacement)

This product is a merchant resource!

This means you may use it to create your own models and sell or freely distribute them using these textures as basis. You may NOT however use them to create your own resource or texture package for reselling, in any form, altered or unaltered. You may not distribute the tiles unaltered, but they should be incorprated into a texture model, such as an UV-map.

Software: Poser 6+

Requirements:  Any program that opens .jpg files

Stock Photography for Poser and Daz Studio