Daz Iray - Africana preview image 0Daz Iray - Africana preview image 1Daz Iray - Africana preview image 2Daz Iray - Africana preview image 3Daz Iray - Africana preview image 4Daz Iray - Africana preview image 5Daz Iray - Africana preview image 6Daz Iray - Africana preview image 7
Daz Iray - Africana - merchant resource, that can be used to create your Free/Commercial projects. This set include 90 high quality african shaders. Not all designs are unique, some are color variation of of the same design. Textures are very high quality - 900 x 900 px in size, saved as .png
90 opaque shaders
Resize Tools
Unzipped file size 101 mb
You can use this set to create clothing textures, free or for sale, but you can not use it to create similar resource.
DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
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