Celeste Clothes

Celeste Clothes

She stalks in the pale moonlight, hunting her elusive prey. Celeste is a predator. Her senses sharp, she is ready for danger. With cold steel in her hands, her foe can be assured that she'll be his death dealer. Celeste is a clothing pack for Stephanie 3 Petite that includes conforming boots, a corset, pants, and a partially comforming trench coat. Also included is a smart prop collar and two smart prop guns (one for each hand) courtesy of Moebuis Arms. Add this set to Stephanie to recreate your favorite scene, from a stalking vampire hunter, to a nimble sci-fi hacker.

Compatible 3D Figures
Stephanie 3
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • Conforming Boots (.cr2 and .obj)
    • Multiple material zones
    • Includes a JCM KneeBend morph (must be set manually)
  • Conforming Corset (.cr2 and .obj)
    • Multiple material zones
    • Left and right collar up and down morphs (must be set manually)
  • Conforming Pants (.cr2 and .obj)
    • Material zone to turn them into shorts (MAT pose included)
    • Included pose files to make S3's legs invisible (to avoid collision problems during posing)
  • Conforming Belt (.cr2 and .obj)
  • Partially Conforming Trench Coat (.cr2 and .obj)
    • FitOverCorset morph 1
    • 19 coat movement morphs
    • Special bones for fine tune movement. LeftSide, RightSide, and Back bones to bend, twist or move the coat from side to side
  • Smart Prop Collar (.pp2 and .obj)
    • Leather and Shiny versions
    • Separate smart prop rings that can be posed individually
  • Smart Prop 9mm Handguns (.pp2 and .obj)
    • Created by Moebius87
    • One for each hand
    • Gun Grip hand pose included
  • 13 MAT files
    • Leather and shiny patent look for each piece (extra chrome MAT for Boots)
    • Separate folders for P4 and PPP/P5 users
  • 9 1500x1500 Detailed bump maps (Poser 4 users must convert to P4 .bum format)
  • 1 844x567 Reflection map

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: October 24, 2013

Compatible figures: 
Uniforms Costumes for Daz Studio and Poser