Traditional Milking Props

Traditional Milking Props

A set of of traditional milking prop that includes a milk urn with lid, butter churn with plunger and lid, a bucket full of milk that has been rigging for movement plus a movable handle, a milking stool, a jug of milk and a glass of milk.

What's Included and Features

  • Traditional Milking Props: (.DUF)
    • Bucket:
      • Handle Articulates
      • 02 Milk Movement Dials
    • Butter Churn Set
    • Milk Urn Set
    • Stool Jug Glass Set
    • Butter Churn Lid
    • Butter Churn Plunger
    • Butter Churn
    • Glass of Milk
    • Jug of Milk
    • Milk Urn Lid
    • Milk Urn
    • Stool
  • Materials:
    • Iray and 3Delight Options for Each Material Preset
    • Bucket
    • Butter Churn Lid
    • Butter Churn Plunger
    • Butter Churn
    • Glass of Milk
    • Jug of Milk
    • Milk Urn
    • Stool
  • Textures Include:
    • 100 Texture, Bump, Normal and Specular Maps (512 x 512 to 2048 x 2048)
    • Texture Templates available through the Product Library
  • Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
  • Daz Studio 3Delight Material Presets (.DUF)


  • This product includes:
    • 1 DSON Core Installer

Compatible Software:

DAZ Studio 4.9

Install Types:

Daz Connect, Install Manager, Manual Install

3D models for Daz Studio and Poser