Pd-Medieval Poser Materials and Jewels

Pd-Medieval Poser Materials and Jewels

"Pd-Medieval Poser Materials and Jewels" is a huge pack of 679 materials for Poser plus one smart prop necklace and 3 sets of smart prop earrings for V4.

There are 28 gray-scale or black and white hi-res seamless tiles included in this pack. Several are bump or color maps for the designs. The JPGs for the Medieval02 design are not seamless, but can be flipped horizontally and vertically to make a seamless tile.

The tiles themselves can also be used as pattern fills in applications like Photoshop. Using a little creativity in Photoshop can give you all sorts of different color-ways for many of the patterns. The tile sizes range from 374x374 pixels to 1752x3027 pixels, most being 1000x1000.

In Poser, you can apply the materials to just about anything and they are quite easy to use. A Python script is included to re-size the materials to whatever size you need. Execute the Python script by simply double-clicking on the script thumbnail included in each of the material folders.

Pd-Medieval Poser Materials and Jewels includes:


3 left and 3 right Smart Prop Earrings for V4
1 Smart Prop Necklace for V4 with many morphs, please see the list on the first pop-up promo image. Please note that all morphs are manual.
6 full materials for Earring1 (MC6)
6 full materials for Earring2 (MC6)
8 full materials for Earring3 (MC6)
6 full materials for the Necklace (MC6)
1 Earring1-Hide Teardrop (MC6)
1 Necklace-Hide Beads (MC6)
1 Necklace-Hide Pendant (MC6)
1 Necklace-Hide Teardrop (MC6)
** All jewel materials are in the Materials folder, not the Pose folder.


679 Different materials for Poser 7 and up

Python Script

ScaleMatSizeNP.py - Scale a material by a percentage


28 Grey-scale or black and white hi-res Seamless Tiles
Tile sizes range from 374x374 pixels to 1752x3027 pixels.

All the Medieval materials are provided in folders as follows:
Medieval 01-10

The Read-me file has lots of helpful information on how to use my materials.

Thanks for viewing - and reading!

Requirements:  Poser 7 or higher, this product does not work with DAZ Studio

3D Models for Poser and Daz Studio