Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 0Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 1Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 2Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 3Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 4Secret Gardens Backgrounds preview image 5
Behind mysterious gates, a secret garden waits,
A world of wonder, a hidden escape.
Through the rusted iron, a glimpse of green,
A place of beauty, rarely seen.
A haven for creatures, a sanctuary of peace,
A secret garden, where worries cease.
With winding paths and flowers in bloom,
A hidden oasis, a secret room.
So if you spy a gate, weathered and old,
Take a peek beyond, and let secrets unfold.
There are 10 backgrounds in this set ~ 5 portrait and 5 landscape ratios
5 @ 6" x 8" - 1800 x 2400px 300 ppi
5 @ 8" x 6" - 2400 x 1800px 300 ppi
There are many uses for digital backdrops, for example Composites, Greeting Cards, Invitations, Stationery, Scrapbooking, Journalling and more.
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